Thursday, February 4, 2010

May De Pokemon Wedgie Is It A Good Idea To Travel To Mexico On May 5?

Is it a good idea to travel to Mexico on May 5? - may de pokemon wedgie

I travel to Playa del Carmen (via Cancun) 5. May (Cinco de Mayo). Is this a good idea? Will I have trouble finding transportation between Cancun and PDC, since the conclusion of the matter? Should I wait until tomorrow?


Cabochic... said...

Hello. Number of trips during the Cinco de Mayo is not a problem. Holidays are usuallly very small number of transport and binding. Just as the celebration of Martin Luther King .... Question. Want to travel on that day? Sure. Come on.

ramblin' robert said...

cabochic is correct. 5. May not be Mexican Independence Day and in the north, many people think. Independence Day in September, 16a thinking, is not it? ........... do not worry, there are no problems with the trip!

Charlie said...

Cinco de Mayo is not a big party in Mexico ... This is an "American" holiday in Mexico. There are many others in Mexico lolidays much larger. I live in Veracruz, and Cinco de Mayo is ignored, as in most of Mexico.

Lprod said...

Do not worry ..... 5. May is not even a vacation in Mexico (May 1 is - Labor Day), most people work (people) because it's just a normal day for them. I think the party is bigger in the United States to Mexico, and I do not think there are many people that the United States is downhill to Cancun / surroundings for a weekend. Therefore, be calm and should not be a problem with the movement from one place to another.

Vaggaloo... said...

I love it when you (the U.S.) to ask about such things, 5 May and Mexico.

You will have no problems in Mexico at that time or in tourist areas or elsewhere.

In my country, Mexico, 5 May is not a big party. It is a sort of Mexican fiesta in the U.S., not here. Here it is only the day of the Battle of Puebla (not much).

16th Independence Day in Mexico September, but that's no problem, go to resorts. The most difficult moment to go on holiday (too narrow) in Mexico, the Holy Week (which is primarily a Catholic country).

JoMaPa said...

Make your reservations now. Use a good company, how the guys from 1-888-862-3806 and create a package for you. We save a lot every time we do for everything.

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