Monday, January 25, 2010

Ovarian Cancer Therapy What Is The Chances Of Surviving 3rd Stage Ovarian Cancer?

What is the chances of surviving 3rd Stage Ovarian Cancer? - ovarian cancer therapy

The bodies of 39 years who have Virgin, the ovaries and other successfully implemented and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. What are your chances of survival and what is the average life expectancy in these cases?


cclearly... said...

I'm sorry to hear that. The difficult to know the survival rate. These sub-phases at each step. In 3 steps a cancer or cancer may have spread to the lymph nodes. This can lead to a very different outcome and survival. Their survival also depends on how it responds to chemotherapy. Their survival also depends on the fact that the cancer is after treatment. Survival rates have improved, and 39 years young, it will stand a better treatment and can heal better than an older woman.

kaya said...

I do not have statistics on the subject, but I just wanted to say that this question always in my mind and the desire of his family and the best.

karenmbs said...

It has a very high chance of survival, trust God!

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